the concept

starts november 1st!

so 25 two- a-days...basically breaks down to 64 workouts, over 8 weeks, or, 8 workouts a week. however or whenever you can fit them in. ending friday, december 24.

what's a two-a-day....that means if you work out hard in the morning, you do a light work out later in the day. so, if you weight train in the morning, i would suggest a 20 or 25 minute cardio of your choice in the evening. or, vice versa. weights and cardio in the at night. whatever. workout ideas will be posted on the regular.

the second workout doesn't have to be crazy. it will just get you moving, get your metabolism revved and keep you from dipping into the candy bowl or the pie tin into the night.

the design...very flexible...workout 5 days a week, with 3 days doubled up. weekends off.


workout everyday and double up once.


any decide.

a calendar will be provided to keep you on track.

the 2nd component. FOOD!

every week we will have a goal. for week it might be no sugar, one week no alcohol, one week no eating out. don't be's feasible and you'll be surprised how much you'll learn about your eating habits and what's actually on your plate.

3rd component. online access and bonus workouts.

this blogspot address will be ours for the challenge. you'll have access to me and each other through this domain. you can bitch and complain or celebrate triumph all in one spot. here will also be our communication board about our upcoming goals and workout ideas.

bonus workouts will be available as well. sunday mornings might be a great time for makeup sessions. all of that can be arranged through our domain.

lastly, weekly weigh-ins and measurements.

measurements are an effective way to give you an idea of your progress...although the way your clothes fit is sometimes the best, and more importantly the way you feel. measurements are also a great tool to see what might be going on if we're not seeing changes. i.e. there might be something else inhibiting weight, hormones, thyroid, etc.

we will be using the body fat scale for measurement, as well as tape measure so there will be several ways to track progress.

i look forward to taking the challenge with you.

all my best,


Sunday, December 12, 2010

week 7: december 13 - december 19

well....with christmas creeping up on us, we are making our way into our final weeks of our challenge, which i know some of you are thrilled about;)

when i first came up with this idea, i had 8 solid things that i wanted to cut out each week....yet as the program has evolved, completing each task with you, i have changed my mind about my original schedule as i've been listening to your wants and needs and shifting our focus in accordance with you.

with all that we've learned about our bodies, nutrition, and our workouts....i think it is important to pull it all together this week. our major focus will be meat, but i would also like you to be mindful of sugar, salt, fiber, protein, carbs, and fat.

i'd like to challenge you to find other sources of protein to satisfy you and give you the opportunity to evaluate how you feel. if you are up for it, i challenge you to a meat free week. if that seems a little much for you....the other alternative would be to limit meat to one meal a day. meat being fish, chicken, beef, etc. eggs not included.

reasons why...there is considerable debate out there currently about the health of our meats and the side effects this "poor" source of protein has on our bodies. many researchers say that we are far too meat dependent and the diversity in our diets lacks considerably. also, meat, especially red meat is very difficult to break portions of your plate will sit in your degestive track waiting its turn to be broken down. yum.

remember portion size for meat protein should fit in the palm of your hand, or 1/4 of your plate. portions for veggies and greens should take up half of your plate, and portions for carbs should be the other 1/4.

supplements to add in if you haven't.....

-fish oil....a natural fat burner
-a probiotic, like acodopholis.....a digestive aid
-calcium....a natural fat burner, best eaten in yogurt, cheese, & milk
-daily vitamin
-b complex

citrus fruits especially grapefruit, as well as pineapple, strawberries, and kiwi are also natural fat burners and great sources of fiber.

our fiber goal should be between 40-50 grams and no less than 20.

and with all that fiber don't forget to flush it down with plenty of water. 2 liters a about what they say we should shoot for.

i know you might be getting bored with all this same stuff, but i went through at least 20 fitness articles this morning that all said the same thing. we have the right formula, no doubt, now you just have to manipulate the numbers to suit you comfortably to optimize energy and ultimately, make it sustainable.

weigh in's this week....5pm monday night at fhf, for those that don't already have a scheduled time. if that doesn't work let me know and we can arrange something else.

bonus workouts: unfortunately, i am out of town this weekend and will not be around for our bonus sessions. please feel free to meet up on your own if it's convenient or look for a group class to get your workouts in this week.

veggie recipes are appreciated.

questions, comments welcome too.

have at it;)

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